Why is glass polished_ Z-lion Diamond Tools Group


Why is glass polished

Glass is softer than you think.Rocks thrown by cars in front of you, windshield wipers scraped through Windows, ice you scraped off in the winter, etc., can damage it.And the scratches it creates, they're hard to remove.Ordinary polishes are not rough or strong enough to polish glass.Most ordinary pads are also soft.Specialized glass polishes (and glass polishes pads) are composed of different components that have a greater impact on the glass.Polishing glass is also a very effective way to deep clean glass.This will be of great help in the preparation of glass sealants/coatings.Realistic expectations Some people think they can achieve the same effect on glass as they do on paint.But that's not the case.Scratch removal is done by removing paint from scratch depth.But for glass, that means you have to remove a few microns.It takes a lot of effort.It is unrealistic to expect a perfect window.You may be able to make streaks on your wipers less obvious, but they won't be removed.If you have a severe scratch or deep defect, you will not be able to remove it, at best you will make it less obvious.Just because there is a glass polish, don't expect too much.The result is usually that you make things less compelling, but not removed.When polishing glass, you need a turntable and quite a bit of experience.Rubbing glass generates heat. Too much heat can crack the glass.You also need to apply pressure on the glass, too much pressure will also break the glass.Spending a lot of time and pressure on a single point can cause light to bend slightly.That's not much, but it's noticeable in some very extreme cases.But even in that case, it will be very mild and only noticeable in certain circumstances.

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