The polishing process
The process begins with the use of coarse diamond grinding tools.These diamond tools are aggressive enough to remove pits, stains, stains or light coatings from the ground in preparation for final smoothing.Depending on the concrete, the initial roughing is usually a three - or four-step process.
The next steps include a fine grinding of the concrete floor surface using resin combined with diamond abrasives, followed by the use of higher grain polishing pads until the floor has a preferred gloss.For extremely high gloss, grit of 1500 or higher can be used.Experienced concrete polishers know when to switch to the next finer grit by analyzing the floor surface and the amount of material removed.
In the polishing process, hardener and dust sealing agent are used.The sealant penetrates concrete and is invisible to the naked eye.It not only protects the concrete from the inside out, but also makes it harder and denser.This eliminates the need for topical coating, which greatly reduces maintenance.Some contractors apply a polish shield to the floor during the final polishing step to add shine to the floor.These polishing shields also aid in cleaning and prevent spills and staining after the polishing process is complete.
Concrete can be polished wet or dry.Each method has its advantages, and dry polishing is by far the most commonly used method in the industry because it is faster, more convenient and more environmentally friendly.Wet polishing involves cooling diamond abrasives with water to remove grinding dust.Because water reduces friction and acts as a lubricant, it increases the life of polished abrasives.The main disadvantage of this approach is cleanup.Wet polishing produces a large amount of excess material that must be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner.Dry polishing does not require water.Instead, the floor polisher is connected to a dust-proof system that essentially sucks all the dust away.
Many contractors use both wet and dry polishing methods.Usually, dry polishing is used in the early grinding steps, when more concrete is removed.As the surface becomes smoother and workers move from metal-bonded to finer resin-bonded diamond abrasives, they usually switch to wet polishing.
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-Henry Wang | Quote Manager