In all forms of grinding, three different interactions occur between the abrasive and the processed material.Cutting occurs where the abrasive particles are sufficiently exposed to penetrate the workpiece material and to cribed chips, and there is sufficient clearance between the particles, binder, and the workpiece for the chips to be washed with coolant or thrown away by rotation.Ploughing, rather than pushing material in front of the grinding blade, occurs when the particles cannot gain enough penetration to lift the chip.Sliding occurs when insufficient depth of cut, insufficient clearance, or residual grit on the grinding wheel after blunting causes surface friction or skid marks on the workpiece.The grinding process controls the balance of these three interactions to achieve the required parameters.
These interactions feed into three main commercial grinding processes: coarse grinding, precision grinding, and ultra-precision grinding.Coarse grinding maximizes the removal of metal at the expense of surface finish.It is mainly used for cutting billets, grinding welding beads flat, and cutting spouts and risers from castings.Additional surface finish is usually followed - in particular, the "spark" finish can relieve some of the pressure on the machine tool and achieve better surface finish and dimensional tolerances through ploughing.Precision grinding is the intermediate grinding between metal removal and part size control. It is the basis of creep feed grinding, groove grinding and efficient deep grinding.In ultra-precision grinding, little or no actual cutting occurs, but the sliding action of the workpiece surface from very fine particles is rubbed to achieve a high finish.Most surface finishes, such as lapping and polishing, are examples of this type of grinding.
Hundreds of different variables can influence the interactions between abrasives and workpieces, but they usually boil down to machine tool, working material, wheel selection, and operating factors.Balancing these parameters by setting component operations that conform to known parameters for all four classes provides a baseline for progressive parameter tuning.
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